immigrant song

Cover of Led Zeppelin's "Immigrant Song" by Trent Raznor and Karen O. From the "Millenium : The Girl and the Dragon Tattoo"'s soundtrack, the video uses reworked images from the movie trailer.


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stay focused: distract yourself

(post-it art by Marc Johns)
Guy Hurton explain how your mind invariably wonders off after some time of concentration and how a time-out can actually help you stay focused improving productivity. Here's a list of what you can do while at the office in order to take a break:
[1] Go take a walk.
[2] Get coffee/tea, even it’s just at the office kitchen.
[3] Go for a smoke—even though you really should quit and do…
[4] Tai chi or yoga.
[5] Go out and call someone you love.
[6] Read for a few minutes.
[7] Look at architecture publications (offices usually have these)
[8] Look on the internet for a while.
[9] Email a friend.
[10] Go “bother” a colleague and get him/her to get coffee/tea with you.
[11] Go to your local bookstore.
[12] Sit in a park.
[13] Eat lunch outside the office—not at your computer.
[14] Ride your bike for a few minutes.
[15] Daydream.
[16] Listen to some music.
[17] Wash your face and brush your teeth.
[18] Step outside and people watch.
[19] Buy a little something for your partner/loved one.
[20] Think about something besides architecture.
[21] Remember to breathe.
[22] Do some drawings on post-its.
Read more in archdaily


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parcours cinéma

(guide to "Paris, je t'aime")
The Mairie de Paris website provides for a page dedicated to cinema, specifically to movies which use the city of Paris as a set or even as a character. There are pdf guides to the sites present in films like "Paris", "Paris je t'aime", or "Midnight in Paris".
Find it HERE


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désert de retz

The Désert de Retz is an Anglo-Chinois or French landscape garden - created on the edge of the forêt de Marly in the commune of Chambourcy, in north-central France. It was built at the end of the 18th century by the aristocrat François Racine de Monville on his 40-hectare (99-acre) estate. It is notable for the construction of 17 (or 20) buildings, of which only 10 still survive, referring to classical antiquity or in an exotic style. Those buildings include: a summer house (the "colonne brisée", or ruined column), in the form of the base of a shattered column from an imaginary gigantic temple, an ice house in the form of an Egyptian pyramid, an obelisk, a temple dedicated to Pan, and a (now-lost) Chinese pavilion.
De l’artiste A. Claris qui signe cette feuille nous ne savons rien. Il livre pourtant une aquarelle exécutée avec une maîtrise remarquable. Le plan de cette fabrique, brillante de fantaisie et d’imagination, prévue pour un parc agrémenté de vases et de statues, indique que l’architecte propose au commanditaire : bibliothèque, cabinet, salle à manger et salon. L’élégante façade auréolée de têtes de morts ouvre ses yeux sur deux balcons-loggias d’où l’on pourrait entendre les aria de la cantatrice Louise-Rosalie Dugazon. Si les Vanité nous rappellent notre matérialité et la fulgurance de notre passage sur terre, l’histoire raconte aussi que Charon, célèbre nocher des Enfers, embarque les morts pour les faire traverser le Styx. Il a déjà quitté sa passagère et guide sa gondole vers d’autres défunts. Claris a ajouté un figurant, [lui même ?] un pécheur trop occupé pour regarder la scène.

Now, wait a minute... Was "po-mo" invented before "modernism"?! Or maybe "post-modernism" was the new "romantic"!!


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