O MIMOA implementou os marcadores KML para o google earth. E mais que isso, compilaram todas as localizações num único ficheiro que contém TODOS os projectos publicados no MIMOA. Basicamente, depois de se fazer o download do ficheiro, basta abri-lo no Google Earth e este carrega todas as localizações automáticamente. Este ficheiro funciona como um link actualizavel, o que quer dizer que o Google Earth irá actualizar automaticamente as informações cada vez que fôr iniciado de forma que se tenha sempre as ultimas informações.
Now that we’ve implemented the Google Earth placemark files (KML), we’ve also made a single file for you to download, which contains ALL PROJECTS that are published on MIMOA. This permanent link to the KML-file is automatically updated by Google. So if you download this set of projects to your computer, you will always have the latest information in Google Earth (and Google Maps).

Ou a praça dos museus em Amesterdão:
Or check out the Amsterdam Museum Square area:

Now that we’ve implemented the Google Earth placemark files (KML), we’ve also made a single file for you to download, which contains ALL PROJECTS that are published on MIMOA. This permanent link to the KML-file is automatically updated by Google. So if you download this set of projects to your computer, you will always have the latest information in Google Earth (and Google Maps).

Download do marcador KML para todas as localizações MIMOA aqui.
Guarda-o num local apropriado no computador e abre-o no Google Earth. Óptimo para ver aqueles projectos arquitectónicos no globo, juntamente com toda a informação extra que o google providencia. Como edifícios 3D! Este é o edifício Nemo em Amesterdão:
Save it to your computer and store it in an appropriate place. Great to see those architectural projects on the globe, together with all kind of extra data that Google provides. Like 3D buildings! This is the Nemo in Amsterdam:
Save it to your computer and store it in an appropriate place. Great to see those architectural projects on the globe, together with all kind of extra data that Google provides. Like 3D buildings! This is the Nemo in Amsterdam:

Or check out the Amsterdam Museum Square area:

olá! please excuse me for commenting in English and Spanish, I do not speak portuguese.
Just wanted to comment that a very similar site to Mimoa is Urbarama.com Urbarama is a Web 2.0 Atlas of Architecture and it’s not restricted to Europe neither to ‘modern’ architecture as Mimoa was originally. It intends to make sharing architecture and engineering projects very simple. It comes with an API and widgets so content can be exported or embeded a la youtube in blogs or websites. And it's available in Portuguese!
Hola, un sitio muy parecido a Mimoa es Urbarama. Se trata de un
Atlas de Arquitectura colaborativo y gratuito. No está restringido a Europa ni a un estilo arquitectónico concreto. Está disponible en varios idiomas como el portugués y dispone de una API y widgets para poder mostrar a la youtube contenido que está en Urbarama en otros sitios web o blogs. El alta es super sencilla y rápida y subir un proyecto es muy fácil. Saludos!