O fotógrafo belga Filip Dujardin faz imagens de edifícios inesperados - isto é, ele "combina fotografias de partes de edifícos em novas, fictícias, estruturas arquitectonicas", explica Mark Magazine.
Ficam aqui algumas imagens do seu trabalho. A ler mais em BLDGBLOG.
Belgian photographer Filip Dujardin makes images of unexpected buildings – that is, he "combines photographs of parts of buildings into new, fictional, architectonic structures," Mark Magazine explains.
Here are some images of his work. Read more in BLDGBLOG.
Ficam aqui algumas imagens do seu trabalho. A ler mais em BLDGBLOG.
Belgian photographer Filip Dujardin makes images of unexpected buildings – that is, he "combines photographs of parts of buildings into new, fictional, architectonic structures," Mark Magazine explains.
Here are some images of his work. Read more in BLDGBLOG.

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