Em vez de estar com rodeios, blah bla bla.. directo ao assunto. Há blogues na internet, bons blogues, muito bons blogues e depois há aqueles que são imperdíveis. Esta é uma lista desses, baseada na minha opinião pois este é o meu blogue. Consiste em três que eu acho que são simplesmente irrepreensíveis, os outros e um que descobri há pouco tempo.
Nota - A descição está em inglês porque eleborei esta lista para um colega da minha turma que é islandês. Não me apeteceu traduzir.
Web Urbanist - This one is the best. Great content. I advise you to take some time just going down to the end both reading and seeing the images and pressing "Previous entries" until you've seen enough.
Urban Planning Blog - A blog with short posts and very interesting content. This one though has loads of "must see" links in each post.
Guerrilla Comunication - "Guerrilla Marketing Defined". This blog isn't about architecture. It is about "guerrilla" and "viral" marketing, a new trend in advertising and campaigning. If you haven't heard of it before, it's time to find out what it is.
Architecture.MNP - Myninjaplease is a blog network. This is the architecture part. Read carefully as each post is a small jewel and press "Next page" On the bottom as many times as you can.
ArchiSpass - A German blog about architecture with very short post and very interesting content.
Digital Urban - A blog about the digital side of architecture and urban life.
A Daily Dose of Architecture - Maybe you know this one. A blog associated with the website Archidose
Part IV - Their tagline says it all: "...for when architecture gets a little too cool for comfort." Light but interesting content.
Mirage.Studio.7 - The light, funny and sometimes surprising side of architecture.
Fim da lista.
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